Thursday, October 05, 2006

Why Do I Have To Wear Clothes?

Well, in Second Life, you have to practice a bit of modesty, just as you do in Real Life. There are nudist places in SL just as there are in RL. On thing you should concern yourself with is the type of SIM you're in. This is explained below, but for now, lets talk about pixel modesty.

Pixel modesty comes in all forms. In SL, there are people who are just as they are in real life. The less clothing the better or the opposite, I can't wear and cover up enough. SL is grounded on the fact that we all respect each others points of view. With that said, you must know your audience. Yes, yes, I know it's only and avatar, but lets be realistic. Would you want to walk around looking at people who look like this?

And besides, as a New Citizen, whether your male or female, you're about as anatomically correct as a Ken, Barbie or GI Joe doll. You have no "accessories" to display to the masses.
I've heard it all before when I warn someone to put on clothing.
  • I like to feel the breeze between my legs. (umm, then sit naked in RL with a fan between them while you're playing)
  • I'm trying to find something to wear. (well what did you take your other clothes off for?)
  • Why? I don't have any "accessories"? (that's not the point. It's about having respect for others. If you want to be nude at a nudist camp, then that's your business. In public, you cover up the same as you would in RL. Failure to do so when warned can result in an Abuse Report being files against you and you could lose your account.

With all that said, realize that not everyone is offended by nudity, but you have to know that there is a time and a place for it all. Below is the definition of a PG SIM and a Mature SIM. This may clarify some of the questions you have about nudity in SL.

PG SIM?s and Mature SIM?s

Throughout Second Life, there is a rating system on every SIM. It will be either PG or Mature. Knowing the type of SIM you're in can save you from some embarrassment or even worse an Abuse Report being filed. Always bear in mind that although this is a virtual world, there is a thinking, feeling person on the other end of the monitor.

Most of us are familiar with the term PG. Mostly used as a movie ratings system, to inform parents that their guidance is suggested for underage children, it is used here to remind us that some content may not be suitable for sensitive individuals.
PG in Second Life doesn't mean that you need your parents to watch over you. Here it means to "Filter" your behavior and to know your audience. A vast number of people come to Second Life from different cultures and parts of the world. It is only just, that we remind ourselves, that not everyone shares the same view on subjects such as nudity, weapons, graphic language, etc.
When in a PG SIM, you want to ensure that you are mindful to that ideology.
o No Nudity
o No Fighting
o No Harassment-mental or emotional
o No Weapons Firing
o No Vulgar Language
Even though we are all adults here in Second Life (over 18 in Real Life), we have to respect the diversity of others, their cultures and their morals; whether we individually agree with it or not. Acceptance of others is the basis of Second Life. Granted, not everyone we meet we'll like, but if we practice the act of acceptance, it will keep Second Life the great world that it is.


Mature SIM's allow Adult content. You can find most anything adult oriented in a Mature SIM. Things from Brothels, to Sex Shops, Sex Pose Balls, Naughty Wear, BD&SM goods. Toys, games and goodies of all kinds are abundant. Although Nudity is allowed in a Mature SIM, it is not a good idea to walk around with your parts showing just because it's Mature. (even if you haven't purchased any "parts" yet)
You can still have an abuse report filed if anyone takes offense to your actions, i.e. public masturbation, unwanted sexual advances and abuse - either physical, mental or emotional.

If you own your own land and want to run around naked, you may do so, but do so in your home or apartment. Although Mature, you will still need to practice a bit of decorum and modesty; not all Mature people wish to see their neighbors parts flailing about.



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